What is Geography

Geography to Commercial Geography

It is truly a fact that when humans began to think of their surrounding and then humans began to observe the attitudes of animals, and other creatures, the functions and effects of climatic elements, and the change and transformation of different types of the earth, then the science of geography came into being.

what is geography

The first person in the world used the word “Geography” was named Eratosthenes (276-194BC).

He is called the father of geography because he introduced the word geography and defined the world.

The meaning of geography

The word geography is derived from the two different Greek words, “Geo” (meaning earth) and “Graphien” (which means writing) taken from.

So it's literal translation would be to describe or write about the Earth.

In the early 19th century German geographers Humboldt (1769-1859) and Ritter (1779-1859) laid the functions of modern geography as a field of education.

.What is geography related to?

When we think or say about geography, these words or concepts often come to our minds as location, site, maps, routes, air basin and distances etc.

So the simple definition of geography could be that the study of the relationship between humans and the earth and their other process and affects is called geography.

Branches of geography

Geography as a field of education or subject can be clearly divided into two major fields Human geography and Physical geography

Human Geography is how the environment and space, in general, came into being, and it sheds light on how humans observed and organized it, and it's effects on the occupied space.

Physical Geography we will observe the natural environment and climate how plants and animals, soil, water, and land types are formed, and how they interact with each other.

The different approaches.

We use in these two sub-sectors give rise to a third party or sector which is Ecological geography.

Ecological Geography combines physical geography and human geography and observes the interaction between the environment and humans.

Regional geography

Regional geography is the branch of geography that studies regions of all sizes spread across the earth.

The purpose of this study is to understand and define the uniqueness and characteristic of a particular region which consists of natural and human elements.

Regional geography is also considered definite access to the study of geography.

Economic Geography

This branch of geography deals with the economic activities of individuals.

Many different issues are discussed in economic geography including locations of industries, transportation, communication, international trade and development, urban economics, environment and economics etc.

We can say that economic geography is the study of principles that determine the sources of spatial techniques and the results obtained.

Economic geography is an important branch of human geography that discusses humans economic activities in relation to their environment.

Commercial Geography

Commercial geography provides an overview of the production of useful goods, their transportation and exchange activities (Encyclopedia Birtannica).

Commercial geography seeks to provide information on the economic and trade activities of people from different countries and areas ( Khan's and Gupta).

The difference between economic geography and commercial geography

There is a slight difference between economic geography and commercial geography.

Commercial geography is in fact a part of economic geography and is inseparable.

Economic geography is defined as the study of the relationship between the economic and political conditions and the physical elements of the environment at the time of the distribution of productive occupations and their productivity.

While in commercial geography we study mostly human activities that affect region or country.

Commercial geography is the geography that deals with the production of raw materials, agricultural products and manufactured goods in the region.

.Commercial geography mostly covers the following.

1.procurement of raw materials

2.production and distribution of surface raw materials

3.distrubution of products to the market

4.the relationship between commercial or trade and geography

5.impact of geographical environment and conditions on commercial activities

The importance and breadth of commercial geography

The study of commercial geography is of great importance to the people, especially to traders who trade internationally.

It helps in getting information about the types of agricultural minerals and industrial products and other resources found in different parts of the world.

It also assesses and suggests the potential for economic development in a region.

Miscellaneous and uneven distribution of the human population and natural resources in the world

Knowledge of commercial geography is now of international importance.

The global market paved the way for the importance and breadth of a new subject, such as commercial geography.

Commercial geography these words themselves highlight its breadth.

In trade, the buying and selling of goods, services and products make a connection in trade and is also considered a profitable business. (This buying and selling activity is for profit)

Commercial geography identifies areas and locations where various commercial and business centres and branches are located.

In today's world, if one wants to see one's firm and business stand out and famous, it is essential to know the suitable geographical locations for production, export, import, storage and marketing.

Where to find suitable and affordable manpower and workers?

For this one has to travel a lot in the country and abroad.

Certain countries have special skills, certain areas have a reputed reputation and quality for providing specific manpower and skilled trained workers.

They have licensed offices in those areas to provide manpower and skilled people.

Therefore, if one enters the field of trade it is necessary to know about those geographical areas and ground facts related to them which are suitable for commercial needs.

Knowledge of commercial geography saves time, money and unnecessary hassle.

A businessman that expands its business abroad and recruit local staff and workers, it's commercial geography that provides one knowledge or information about their language and customs.

We can say that knowledge of commercial geography is the only way to provide us with information about commercial activities and development, technical arguments and geographical analysis in an integrated manner.


I have written all this information after reviewing various websites.

I request you all point out mistakes in comments if I made any I will correct it.

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