Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon
colonization of the moon

Four hundred years ago today, in 1640, this scientist went insane, John Wilkins started talking like crazy. He began to say that he would go to the moon and shake hands with the people who live there.

Wilkins was a religious man who believed that God must have created creatures everywhere, and on the moon too.

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

He began to study the flight of birds that how do they fly. Then he designed a wooden boat-shaped airship to go to the moon.

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

The design of that airship was to fly with the help of wings, and to get out of the gravity of the earth was to use gunpowder to receive the first push. John Wilkins, like many other scientists of his time, believed that the only way to reach the moon was to get out of Earth's gravity.

Scientists of that era until then, they did not know that there is no oxygen in space. But then he realized in his life that it is not possible to breathe in space, therefore that idea did not work.

Thoughts don't work but he has not given up the dream of going to the moon. Since when has mankind been dreaming of going to the moon and living, so this dream went on like a chain from one to the other then It kept growing.

Great ideas are habits of intelligent people and that does not allow them to take rest

John Herschel, a scientist Keep his eyes peeled at the moon, built a magnificent telescope in the 19th century.

That telescope magnified things 42,200 times, with that telescope, he looked at the moon in 1835. When he looked at the moon through a telescope, he was shocked. He sees waterfalls on the moon, boiling springs, rivers flowing, mountain ranges, and forest islands.

He even claimed that he has seen pure faces like angels on the moon, according to him cities were inhabited on the moon.

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

But soon all those claims were proved wrong. There was really no such thing on the moon, maybe he saw the dirt in the air or he had his own thoughts that kept deceiving him.

But the whole story intensified the urge to go to the moon, that was let's go to the moon.

 let's visit the moon, the golden dream of mankind was now one step further.

The next string of this dream was taken by the father of world space science and rocket Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

He was a famous Russian scientist who first came up with a concept that In addition to the earth, mankind will have to find a new home in the universe to live in.

For him, the moon was the first option for this task. He used to say that even though the earth is mankind's first and only home in the universe, but we must also discover a new place or planet to live.

If this earth becomes cold one day, then the human race will also end.

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

He wrote science fiction but until the 1890s, he did a lot of serious scientific researches.

He began to look for answers to all the questions about how to live in space and the rockets that were supposed to travel without air in space. He even proposed the scientific theories of human colonies on the moon and other planets.

That theory was presented when space science was still on its knees.

This beautiful idea kept moving forward, now the rope of going to the moon has come to the hand of a fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke.

In Nineteen Fifty Four, Arthur C. Clarke presented design, In which he designed houses of colonies to be built on the moon, like in Siberia, Igloos are made to avoid the cold. He also explained how that would be made from the material on the moon.

Then he gave the formula of hydroponic farms for what the people living there would eat. And he proposed the formula of a nuclear reactor for the electrical system on the moon.

That was the first complete practical model which was much appreciated but obviously, it couldn't implement.

colonization on the moon a historical dream went ahead

Only five years later, the US military needed such a model. The U.S. military has launched an operation called Project Horizon, In January of 1965, the necessary supplies were to be sent to the moon by a rocket.

And after months, in April, two astronauts had to go there to build a base or colony and take care of it. A year later,  twelve American military astronauts had to stay on the moon, the US military was doing all this to compete with Russia.

U.S. troops at the base also planned to target Russian airships, but the only problem was getting to the moon first. So the budget was finalized to reach the first moon, which was Six Hundred Million USD.

The first moon landing of mankind was on 16 July 1969

Space Travel: Fly me to the moon

When mankind stepped on the moon, the centuries-old dream of building a moon base there seemed to come true.

Now it needed more scientific design because the designs that already existed are now obsolete as new realities emerge. The same year, Dr. Mandal designed an advanced moon base model, according to that model, the colonization on the moon will be half in the sand of the moon and half outside.

It offered a solution to the needs of all the astronauts when they land on the moon, but that model also couldn't implement no colony was formed.

Then in 1985  The Futurist, a scientific society, announced to go to the moon and build a colony. The plan was that the United States has to build a moon base in 2007, in which ordinary people could also live with scientists.

The design of building a moon base was that would be below the surface of the moon to save the people there from dangerous radiations.  Who were to be sent to the moon, they have to return to earth after every three months or a year to stay healthy.

That was the next level of mankind's dream of going to the moon and build a space colony, but the Futurists also could not act on it. But the dream of colonization of the moon game was still there.

Space Exploaration

Now NASA and the European Science Agency (ESA) have announced to go to the moon, for this has been told that year will be 2024, and it has also been said that this time perhaps a woman will step on the moon, that's the plan colonizing the moon 2024.

colonization in moon project will be a station for mankind to step on Mars.

Mankind's dream of settling in space will be fulfilled tomorrow if not today, like Wilkin's dream, he wanted to reach the moon by a flying boa,t If Wilkins didn't fulfill that dream, then someone else fulfilled it.

These are all positive dreams, It is much better to dream of moving forward than to announce the destruction of something. we must invent something new and move forward to explore new worlds.

The purpose of writing this blog is to motivate young people to advance in science and technology.

Always dream positively so that you will be able to make life easier for yourself and for the next generation.


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